How To Increase Your Happiness After Someone You Love Has Hurt You

Naomi Sturrock-Whitehead
3 min readJul 22, 2021

Photo by Szilvia Basso on Unsplash

I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the feeling of, “I should have said….”

Do you know why?

Because it can leave me feeling angry and upset. Even though I consider myself as a quick responder when I’m caught on the off, there have often been times, hours, days, or even months after, when I say in my head, I wish I had said…, or I should have said….

I know these kicks start the negative self-talk of how useless I am or how the other person who has hurt me was so right. It leads me down the path of self-destruction and I can steadily tread the dark path for a period.

I need to hold my hand up here. I have said some hurtful things to those I love in the past, and I have had to make peace with the previous version of myself that didn’t know any better. Self-forgiveness has been one of the most challenging jobs I have undertaken. It seems forgiving others is a much easier feat.

How have I become so forgiving?

I write letters. Writing letters that are for my eyes only has set me free. Now I like a good swear word and I know others become offended when profanity is present, but for me, it’s such a great release. I swear a lot when I’m writing…



Naomi Sturrock-Whitehead

Learning how to play the game of life and making it worthwhile.