Member-only story
Spirituality Made Me Fat
Revealing buried emotions equals excessive weight gain.
I am at the start of a new journey, or am I? I’m confused, or at least I thought I was. My weight has been up and down my whole adult life. I wasn't a chubby child per se, although I did carry what my parents referred to as “puppy fat”.
After the birth of my first child, I was as skinny as a rake, probably because I had been vomiting for eight months of an almost ten-month pregnancy.
My son was three weeks overdue, and back then, the doctors would let you go a month over before deciding to induce you.
I was also only fifteen years old. I loved my new figure, I was barely six stone, and I had the biggest boobs I’d ever seen ( there was no internet back then, just women and girls in the community). I kept my slim figure for many years, hovering around the nine stone mark.
After the birth of my second child when I was twenty years old, I went straight back down to my pre-pregnancy figure after ten days. I was so blessed. The relationship I was in at the time was quite volatile; perhaps it was a reflection of my childhood.
My weight slowly crept up and began to hover around ten stones. I married my daughter’s father when she…