The Rowan
To those born between April 1–10 or October 4–13

Celtic Tree Calendar
When my husband told me one of the lads at work had named their baby Rowan, he was surprised that I knew it was a tree. The Rowan tree favours me in the Celtic Tree Calendar and if you were born between April 1–10 or October 4–13 then you too are in harmony with the wonderful Rowan. Tea made from the leaves helps with diarrhoea, whilst the berries of the Rowan, when taken as a brandy, are recognised to cure stomach cramps, making a jam or compote is legendary for its hangover cure.
The wood from the Rowan is diverse in the sense that although it is hard and tough, it is also pliable. When polished well, this wood shines exquisitely and it has a history of being the favourite of woodturners and carvers to make wooden screws as well as wheels. Rowans have the capacity to grow up to twenty metres when given the right conditions but they never steal the light from other surrounding trees due to its growth being upwards rather than outwards.
Perfection can lead to isolation
This beautiful, colourful tree with its red and orange berries and elegant foliage, concerns itself more with being useful than growing big and powerful. If you were born between the dates of the Rowan’s influence, you are the type of person who is much more focused on bettering yourself without the need for recognition allowing the improvements to naturally filter out into the world. A word of caution to my fellow Rowans, there is a possibility of becoming so consumed with perfecting oneself that we run the risk of isolating ourselves from those around us. Something I have experienced.
To me, there is nothing worse than being surrounded by people and feeling lonely whilst desperately pursuing the harmonious lifestyle we deeply crave. It took me a long time and a lot of hard work to put my boundaries in place and still, there are some who like to push them further. I appreciate these people in my life, they teach me how to bring myself back on track when I stray. But most importantly, I had to teach myself how to communicate with those around me. As hard as it was initially, it has got easier and my relationships with others, something that has profound importance to the Rowan, have improved radically.
If the mighty Rowan is your tree of life, be mindful that you are open to expansion and expression. Harness the energy of the Rowan to fulfil your dream of living in harmony with not only yourself but with all that is. If you need a little help, Rhodochrosite is a powerful Heart Chakra stone, can assist you in achieving emotional balance.
Naomi x